As a child and teenager, I was very ill with what turned out to be Lyme Disease & 4 other co-infections. It was several years until I was diagnosed. In the meantime, and for 2+ years after the diagnosis, all of the medical doctors with all of their theories, tests, treatments, and pharmaceuticals did nothing but make me sicker and sicker, I’d grown up in an allopathic/medical doctor family, but my parents had become desperate. They consented for me to try a chiropractic appointment, and I began to feel a bit better. After some time, we slowly and gradually added in an acupuncturist, a naturopath, and some other CAM/holistic practitioners. I slowly began to feel better and better; eventually able to wean off several of the medications.

One day, as I was sitting in the health food store area of the building before my massage appointment, I noticed the smell of Lavender. I hadn’t had much to do with herbs up to this point, but was just entranced by the scent. I followed my nose, eventually finding myself in the aromatherapy section, holding a bottle of Lavender essential oil in my hand. I opened the bottle and breathed in the oil as in evaporated; I wasn’t sure what was going on, but I DID know that I did not want to even put the bottle down! Being of scientific mindset, born of 2 mathematicians, I picked up the nearest aromatherapy book and began to read… and read… and read, book after book on the uses, biochemistry, history, the Latin binomials & common names, and how to distill essential oils.

So, here I am, an adult who has spent the last 17 years in learning about aromatherapy, essential oils, herbs, CAM, and holistic medicine. I have degrees in Biology, Chemistry, and Psychology. I have taken many classes and courses in a variety of holistic treatments. I’ve worked in health food stores, as a caretaker for the elderly, as an apprentice of-sorts for massage therapists and kinesiologists. I have taken aromatherapy classes, and later taught what I’ve been learning all of these years. I’m beginning a new massage therapy certification program within the next few months… and I’m working to build up an aromatherapy and holistic healing business from scratch, integrating everything that I’ve learned as I’ve grown up from sick kid to an adult with the mission to help bring information and all-natural holistic products to you, so that you can begin, maintain, &/or further the healing process in your own life: mind, body, & spirit.




Helping you to heal yourself: mind, body, & spirit!
— Mandy's Healing Philosophy

Lavender Whispers Holistic Healing

Herbs and essential oils have been used throughout history to treat the ills of body, mind, & spirit.

“ The healing comes from nature and not from the physician. Therefore, the physician must start from nature with an open mind.”

— Paracelsus

Now, in state-of-the-art facilities, there are new, double-blind, empirical studies being done that validate many of their historical uses.